Protection (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
CSRF process of an attacker tricking their victim into unknowingly submitting a
request. CodeIgniter provides CSRF protection out of the box, which will get
automatically triggered for every non-GET HTTP request, but also needs you to
create your submit forms in a certain way.
CodeIgniter contain
following character in URI
Alpha-numeric text (Latin characters only)
Tilde: ~
Per cent sign: %
Period: .
Colon: :
Underscore: _
Dash: -
DO NOT store passwords in plain-text format. Always hash your passwords.
· DO NOT use Base64 or similar encoding for
storing passwords. This is as good as storing them in plain-text. Really.
Do hashing, not encoding. Encoding and encryption too, are two-way
processes. Passwords are secrets that must only be known to their owner, and
thus must work only in one direction. Hashing does that - there’s no un-hashing or de-hashing, but there is decoding and
· DO NOT use weak or broken hashing algorithms
like MD5 or SHA1. These algorithms are old, proven to be flawed, and not
designed for password hashing in the first place. Also, DON’T invent your own
algorithms. Only use strong password hashing algorithms like BCrypt, which is
used in PHP’s own Password hashing functions.Please use them, even if
you’re not running PHP 5.5+, CodeIgniter provides them for you.
· DO NOT ever display or send a password in plain-text format! Even to the password’s owner, if you need a “Forgotten password” feature, just randomly generate a new, one-time (this is also important) password and send that instead.
· DO NOT put unnecessary limits on your users’ passwords. If you’re using a hashing algorithm other than BCrypt (which has a limit of 72 characters), you should set a relatively high limit on password lengths in order to mitigate DoS attacks - say, 1024 characters. Other than that however, there’s no point in forcing a rule that a password can only be up to a number of characters, or that it can’t contain a certain set of special characters. Not only does this reduce security instead of improving it, but there’s literally no reason to do it.
Codeigniter has a Form Validation
Library which is use for validation, filtration, prepping you data. Be sure to
always validate and sanitize all input data.
Have it in mind that this includes not
only $_POST and $_GET variables,
but also cookies, the user-agent string and basically all data that is not created directly by your own code.
All data before insertion
Never insert information into your
database without escaping it. Please see the section that discusses
database queries for more information.
your files
Another good security practice is to only leave
your index.php and
“assets” (e.g. .js, css and image files) under your server’s webroot directory (most commonly
named “htdocs/”). These are the only files that you would need to be accessible
from the web.
Allowing your visitors to see anything else would
potentially allow them to access sensitive data, execute scripts, etc.
If you’re not allowed to do that, you can try using
a .htaccess file to restrict access to those resources.
CodeIgniter will have an index.html file in all of
its directories in an attempt to hide some of this data, but have it in mind
that this is not enough to prevent a serious attacker.
CodeIgniter comes with a Cross Site Scripting
filter. This filter looks for commonly used techniques to embed malicious
JavaScript into your data, or other types of code that attempt to hijack
cookies or do other malicious things.
During system initialization all global variables that
are found to exist in the $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST and $_COOKIE are
unset. The unsetting routine is effectively the same as register_globals = off.
In production environments, it is typically
desirable to “disable” PHP’s error reporting by setting the internal display_errors flag to a value
of 0. This disables native PHP errors from being rendered as output, which may
potentially contain sensitive information.
Setting CodeIgniter’s ENVIRONMENT constant in index.php to a value of ‘production’ will turn off these
errors. In development mode, it is recommended that a value of ‘development’ is
used. More information about differentiating between environments can be found
on the handling ENVIRONMENT page.
accepting any data into your application, whether it be POST data from a form
submission, COOKIE data, URI data, XML-RPC data, or even data from the SERVER
array, you are encouraged to practice this three step approach:
1. Validate
the data to ensure it conforms to the correct type, length, size, etc.
2. Filter
the data as if it were tainted.
3. Escape
the data before submitting it into your database or outputting it to a browser.
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