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Server side datatable using codeigniter 3


What is server side datatables?

Server side datatables are used to show large data sets. Advantage of server side datatables.

  • Data processing will be server side.
  • Show large data sets.
  • Server-side rendering is better for SEO than client-side rendering, as it can speed up the loading time of your page, improving user experience and helping your site rank higher in Google search results.
  • Using server-side rendering here has the benefit of keeping the information on the server-side and not delivering it to the client, even if you pull from relational databases or NoSQL stores.


<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="tab10">

        <section class="main--content" style="padding:0px;" >

                <div class="panel">

                    <div class="records--list">

                        <table id="recordsListView" style="width:100%">




                                    <th>First Name</th>

                                    <th>Last Name</th>



                                    <th>Created Date</th>


                                    <th class="not-sortable">Actions</th>









public function getIncomingCase(){

        $data = array();

        // Fetch member's records

        $jobData = $this->user_model->getRows($_POST);


        $i = $_POST['start'];

        foreach($jobData as $jobValue){


            $case_status = null;

            if($jobValue->status == 0){

                $case_status = '<span class="label label-warning">Action not initiated</span>';


            $action = '<div class="dropleft">

                            <a href="#" class="btn-link" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-v"></i></a>

                            <div class="dropdown-menu">

                                <a href="'.base_url().'job/viewcase/'.$jobValue->id.'" class="dropdown-item">View</a>

                                <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Reject</a>

                                <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Archive</a>



            $job = unserialize($jobValue->jobdata);


            $created = date( 'l Y/m/d H:i', strtotime($jobValue->createdAt));

            $data[] = array($jobValue->aid,

                $jobValue->salutation." ".$jobValue->firstname." ".$jobValue->lastname,


                $jobValue->natureofjob."<br>". $job['language_from'],






        $output = array(   

            "draw" => $_POST['draw'],

            "recordsTotal" => $this->user_model->countAll(),

            "recordsFiltered" => $this->user_model->countFiltered($_POST),

            "data" => $data,


        echo json_encode($output);



public function getRows($postData){


          if($postData['length'] != -1){

            $this->db->limit($postData['length'], $postData['start']);


          $query = $this->db->get();

          return $query->result();




       * Count all records


      public function countAll(){


        return $this->db->count_all_results();




       * Count records based on the filter params

       * @param $_POST filter data based on the posted parameters


      public function countFiltered($postData){


        $query = $this->db->get();

        return $query->num_rows();




       * Perform the SQL queries needed for an server-side processing requested

       * @param $_POST filter data based on the posted parameters


      private function _get_datatables_query($postData){

        $userid = $this->session->userdata('id');

        $this->column_search = array('','CU.salutation','CU.firstname','CU.lastname','','CJ.aid','CJ.natureofjob','CJ.jobdata','','CJ.status','CJ.createdAt');



        // Set default order

        $this->order = array('' => 'asc');


        $this->db->from('job as CJ');

        $this->db->join('job_assign as CJA','CJA.aid  = CJ.aid','LEFT');

        $this->db->join('users as CU','  = CJA.uid_to','LEFT');

        $this->db->where("CJ.userId", $userid);


        $i = 0;

          // loop searchable columns

        foreach($this->column_search as $item){

              // if datatable send POST for search


                  // first loop


                      // open bracket


              $this->db->like($item, $postData['search']['value']);


              $this->db->or_like($item, $postData['search']['value']);



                  // last loop

            if(count($this->column_search) - 1 == $i){

                      // close bracket








          $this->db->order_by($this->column_order[$postData['order']['0']['column']], $postData['order']['0']['dir']);

        }else if(isset($this->order)){

          $order = $this->order;

          $this->db->order_by(key($order), $order[key($order)]);




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